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Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by Polished
7/9/2008  4:56:00 PM
jofjoneboro. Everything I have written is from the Technique book or as I have been instructed either fron a DVD or in person. I usually point in the direction to my souce of information whether it be from the clips on this site or elswhere, for instance youtube.I suppose it takes some experience to be able to say. If you want to see where the lady should be looking on an Open Telemark go to Google then Marcus Hilton Basic Foxtrot bar 23 and look. That is typical of how I write. Its a pity that some others dont do the same. You know in a debate and you disagree with some points raised. You must present your evidence to support your contadiction. Then we can all go and see for ourselves, can't we
Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by jofjonesboro
7/9/2008  5:49:00 PM
Most of the sources to which you point either don't exist or have little or nothing to do with your subject.

You can put links right in your post, you know. If there's a video on YouTube to which you wish to refer then find it and copy and paste the link.

Yes, we can all go see your famous posts about the promenade link in Tango ending in closed position (Tango link thread).


Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by Polished
7/11/2008  1:13:00 AM
jofjonesboro. So do you agree that at the end of the Progresive Link or a Brush Tap you should be with your feet both man and lady in a closed position
Does the source I pointed to on this site exist . Does it have something to do with the subject or not.
As far as I know it isn't possible to pass around videos from youtube.. You have to go and look for yourself.
Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by jofjonesboro
7/11/2008  6:02:00 AM
Please use some punctuation. Question marks, periods, commas, et cetera, are very helpful to the reader.

I see that you're playing games again with your first question. The link and tap are two different moves. The Progressive Link does not end in closed position. Period.

Which reference do you mean?

Here's a link to YouTube: 2006 UK Finals.

Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by cdroge
7/11/2008  6:18:00 AM
You can download Youtube and pass it on. Quickstep: My question was about the Lilt, so it would be nice if you were to respect that and start a new message if you wan't to talk about Tango or anything other than the lilt. When I see there is a new response and take the time to check it out I don't expect it to refer to Tango. Thank you.
Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by Polished
7/12/2008  6:13:00 PM
cdroge. You might like to go back and see who did bring the Tango into this thread.
Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by DivaGinger
7/29/2008  2:08:00 AM
Hiya, Boys! (Only guys write this "I REALLY know how to read syllabi, but NOW, I just have to learn to DANCE"- style- it's kind of like RPG nerds with this huuuuge expertise on medieval armory and weaponry, yet they still get yelled at by their grandmas for spending too much time in Azeroth instead of doing chores)

While I'm profusely jubilant that a ballroom-specific internet forum is aplomb with articulate prose, I'm also aware that there are varying degrees of interpretational capacity amongst authors and readers. That being said... if something flies over your head, why not just go to dictionary.com?

Back to your regularly-scheduled hair-splitting on the phraseology of lilting and waltzing- or floating, or gliding, or whatever. You know what else is floaty and airy? Flatulence.
Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by CliveHarrison
7/29/2008  9:37:00 AM
I wonder why we are supposing that "the" Technique Book doesn't talk expressly about Lilt in respect of Waltz, when Guy Howard's certainly does, and it gets a mention in Moore's "Ballroom Dancing" too.

And why the deprecation of the appropriate use of a reasonably wide vocabulary: particularly when we use words in an appropriate context, and because they are the best tools at hand for conveying meaning?

Waltz wouldn't be much of a dance without lilt, now, would it?
Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by Polished
7/29/2008  2:49:00 PM
CliveHarison. Why do we need any other words other than Rise. Fall. Drive, Swing, Sway. When we talk about music, any music. We may then use the words. It has a lilting melodie. So now lets argue about. Lilt is a Noun. Lilting is a Verb.Does Lilt belong with Swing Sway and Drive when describing dance. Again do we need anymore words . I can't imagine any teacher saying I would like to see you lilt on that step. Why make dancing any more difficult than it already is.
Re: Lilt in the waltz
Posted by CliveHarrison
7/29/2008  3:12:00 PM
I think you need to address that question to the authors of the standard dance references that choose to use the word - it's not of my invention, but I do know what it means, and it conveys its meaning to me more efficiently than any combination of the alternatives you mention.

Alex Moore (your hero) writes of the "delightful rhythmic swing and lilt of the dance". I'd trust his judgment, over yours, any day.

To answer your last question, teachers of dancing regularly make dancing more difficult than it already is for their own very sound commercial reasons. It works for them.

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